Study in Australia

Australia is considered as one of the top choices for Nepali Students who want to pursue their higher education in a foreign country. It is also a popular study destination for international students as well as a great place to travel, explore and many more. The hospitality and scenic beauty of Australia is truly amazing. From the oceans and beaches to beautiful mountains. Truly, Amazing!

Students from Nepal wish to study in Australia to increase their scope of opportunities. They also aspire to leave their hometown in order to travel the world and exploare new avenues for their carrier.

Why Australia?

Australia, with its steadily growing population of international students, is recognized for being a comparatively safe country. It boasts a vibrant culture, a diverse population, and is a welcoming home to thousands of international students and immigrants. It have a fantastic climate and dream beaches with top-rated education and training system.

In Australia, you can seamlessly balance your study and social life, thanks to its free and easy lifestyle. The country offers a range of services, from work opportunities to leisure activities, in relaxed and spacious environments. Although geographically as vast as all of Europe, Australia is home to around 26 million people. With its stunning landscapes, expansive spaces, and proximity to the ocean, the Land of Oz provides more than you could ever envision.


Choosing a university or course to study in the US

Australia upholds high standards of education, offering both local and international students the chance to elevate their knowledge and skills. However, the process of choosing a specific course, study program, and university according to your needs can be challenging due to the variety of options available. Nonetheless, Australian education encompasses diverse fields, spanning from accounting and health and medicine to engineering, travel and hospitality, business and management, and various other specializations.

There are many universities and courses available based on the location you choose to study. The popular study location include:

  • Sydney – NSW
  • Brisbane and Gold Coast – QLD 
  • Adelaide – SA
  • Hobart – TAS
  • Melbourne – VIC
  • Perth – WA

Our expert counsellors offer in-depth counseling services to those students who want to study in Australia. We offer advice on everything from prospects for further education to choosing the right university, understanding the application process For an Australian student visa, organizing travel to Australia, getting carrier guidance, and researching immigration and tax implications. Our goal is to support you every step of the way . We are happy to answer your questions.

Fee, Scholarship and the Cost of Living in Australia

Moving from Nepal to Australia for international students can be quite overwhelming. Hence, being prepared for the upcoming challenges like cost of living, allocating finances for your study period in Australia are essential factors to be focused on.

Let’s take a look at the fees you have to pay for admission in a university, the possible scholarship opportunities that you can avail, and the cost of living you may have to incur.

The fee structure for studying in Australia

The first step is to secure admission to a university and then manage finances. We have helped a lot of students to achieve their dream and Take Me Abroad is your companion throughout the process of application and admission at your preferred institution. It’s a simple process; we will take you through it, from structured budgets to study plans. 

The cost of studying depends upon your selected institution, location and level.

The fee structure of education differs based on the field you pursue.

  • Schools in Australia may cost around $7,800 to $30,000 (yearly).
  • Undergraduate Bachelor Degree is around $15,000 to $33,000 (yearly). 
  • A postgraduate Master’s Degree can vary from $20,000 up to $37,000 (yearly).
  • Vocational Education and Training is around $4,000 to $22,000 (yearly).
  • English language studies can cost around $300 per week. 
  • Doctoral degrees are around $14,000 to $37,000 (yearly).

Scholarship – your ticket to financial support

International students are presented with diverse scholarship opportunities to pursue their studies without financial concerns. Each scholarship for studying in Australia has specific requirements determined by the chosen institution.

Parents searching for scholarships for their child can directly visit the respective university’s website for detailed information.

If you require assistance, we are here to provide guidance on selecting the most suitable scholarship for studying in Australia and support you through the application processes.

Travel and Accommodation

The average cost of living in Australia is a crucial factor to consider during your application and financial preparation. 

Here are some of the approximate weekly costs involved in sharing a rental to home-staying and more. 

  • Homestay – $235 to $325 per week
  • Rental – $185 to $440 per week
  • Shared Rental – $95 to $215 per week
  • On-campus – $110 to $280 per week
  • Hostels, Guesthouses – $90 to $150 per week

If you choose a boarding school for your child in Australia, the yearly cost can range from $11,000 to $22,000.

Similarly, other approximate weekly costs include:

  • Gas and electricity – $10 to $20 per week
  • Groceries and eating out – $140 to $280 per week
  • Phone and Internet – $15 to $30 per week
  • Public transport – $30 to $60 per week
  • Private car – $150 to $260 per week
  • Entertainment – $80 to $150 per week